As you may know, I am on a quest to bring mental health its meaning and power back, starting in 2018. Will you join me? Have you experienced or are you experiencing mental distress, mental health problems or suffering from a diagnosed mental illness? Do you know...

Free resources from my BILT Talk

The theme of well-being ties in the strategic focus on Assessment – looking at workloads of students and trying to find ways to reduce this pressure on students around exam time. I will be using her Teaching Fellowship to develop my second book, exploring the...

What’s so wrong with the ‘S’ word?

Image source: www.anxietyuk.org Yesterday I gave a talk to about 100 Year 13 students at a secondary school and I asked: stress is bad for you. Who agrees? About 60% did…They looked surprised when I said that some stress can be good for us. Over the last few...

Labels? useful or not?

Once we have been labelled as ‘cool’ or ‘a nerd’ or even a ‘psycho’ or ‘mental’, does it define us forever after regardless of the changes we make later? The belief that personality is fixed Have you ever heard a joke...
Flourishing Education